Digimedix LogoDigimedix Logo


We process our jobs in a secured infrastructure, maintain best practices in term of HIPAA Compliant, meet Canadian Health Information Privacy Act guidelines, confidentiality consents from employees and maintain Data Security Policies for many years.  Confidentiality and Security are our key concerns.

DigiMedix utilizes the latest technology to manage voice and data distribution. Dictations and transcribed documents travel through network lines that are secured using the latest encryption and security processes that include data encryption (128 bit/SSL), passwords, audit trails, confidentiality agreements signed by all vendors and staff, we often verify and ensure backups. We continuously monitor all aspects of security and confidentiality as our platform is HIPAA compliant.

Quality Policy: DigiMedix strives to achieve 100% accuracy in all our services. For Transcription, we guarantee a minimum of 98.5% accuracy on all transcribed documents and we have a rigorous quality assurance program which ensures that every document is proof-read by our Certified and Experienced Editors and QAs.   For Coding, we assure that we provide error-free Medical Coding Records with two-level quality checks.  We provide over-exceed quality in Data Conversion for healthcare documents at lowest cost.


 12-24 Hour Turnaround  2 Days Turnaround 5 Days Turnaround
Price per Minute of Dictation (CAD)  $1.20  $1.10  $1.00
 Price per Line (CAD)  ¢ 12  ¢ 11  ¢ 10
 Toll-free Phone Dictation  Yes  Yes  No
 Payment  Postpaid  Postpaid  Postpaid

Contact us for regular volume special pricing.  No setup cost or hidden charges.